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BookBeat is a digital subscription service that allows you to listen to audiobooks and read e-books on your mobile or tablet. Start by signing up for a subscription and downloading the app to your iOS or Android device. With a BookBeat subscription you gain UNLIMITED access to thousands of audiobooks.

Much like other streaming subscriptions, with BookBeat you pay a monthly fee and can stream as many audiobooks as you’d like. What’s more, you can download audiobooks to your device and listen to them offline when you don’t have access to mobile data or wi-fi - perfect for when you're traveling.

Backed by Bonnier, a company with more than one hundred years’ worth of experience with creating, refining and distributing great stories, we have set out to create the best possible service for digital books.

Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for everyone to find and experience great stories. So whether you want to contribute by becoming a part of our team, or just want an easy way to enjoy a great book – we invite you to join us!

If you're interested in joining our program, please contact our Affiliate Manager and she will give you more information about what we can offer you (regarding payment, trial period, etc.)

Keep in mind - any advertising at Google, such as Google Ads and Google Shopping, is prohibited. Make sure to read all our rules regarding advertising, and if you have any additional questions you're always welcome to contact our Affiliate Manager.

Feel free to learn more about us by visiting our social channels:

How it works

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