Ad formats

As an advertiser in our affiliate network, it is possible to advertise using a variety of ad formats that are used by our affiliates in their marketing of your brand and your products and services.

Text links

The most popular way for affiliates to market stores and products are using standard text links. Text links can be used in several different ways and done the right way, they are powerful and will often generate greate conversions on the traffic transfered to you as an advertiser.


Banners are available in several different formats and is an excellent way to strengthen your brand. Banners also allows for an easy way to quickly reach out with current campaigns on all the affiliates websites and channels, who have chosen to market your brand and affiliate program, with one or more banners.

The most common file formats for banners are images (jpg, gif, png) and HTML5. The HTML5-format are now, more and more, replacing the former popular Flash-format.


YourAd is an ad format developed by Adrecord already since 2011, with the goal to simplify for affiliates who want to create their own banners with products they choose to add in the ad space. To be available in YourAd for affiliates, you as an advertiser, only need supply a price file to us. We handle the rest in our automated systems out to the affiliates.

Price files

Price Files, or product feeds, is also a common way to reach out with your products to affiliates that use the price files in their marketing. Normally, all modern e-commerce platforms provide the feature to export price files and these are the files that we read into our system and providing this data to those affiliates who work with this format.

Discount codes

Discount codes are also a common format to communicate to affiliates that they can use in their marketing. Discount codes can be used for the purpose of example, increase the conversion or increase your average order value for a limited period of time.