
Adrecord blev grundlagt i slutningen af 2009, da fundamentet for vores tekniske platform blev udviklet, og næsten et år senere, i begyndelsen af oktober 2010, lancerede vi affiliatenetværket Adrecord i Sverige.

Vi har siden begyndelsen arbejdet på vores produkt dagligt for at holde trit med den udvikling, der er i gang i branchen, men selvfølgelig også for at være på forkant med hensyn til gennemsigtighed, brugervenlighed og teknologi.

“Vores tanke med at bevæge os ind i en eksisterende og allerede stærkt konkurrencepræget branche blev grundlagt allerede i idéfasen, hvor vi ønskede at forandre og gøre affiliatemarkedsføring mere tilgængelig, innovativ og markant mere gennemskuelig. Om det er lykkedes for os, er det kun vores affiliates og kunder, der kan svare på, men jeg ved, at vi hver dag gør vores yderste for at følge vores grundlæggende vision.”
- Jonny Elofsson, grundlægger

Linus Wickberg


Linus have previously helpt many businusses succeed with their digital marketing. Now Linus are focusing on improving Adrecord's offer to advertisers and affiliates. Likes to work out and thinks Excel is unbeatable.
Mail: linus@adrecord.com

Christer Vadman


With accuracy as one of Christer's key words, he ensures that all our systems work properly and are constantly evolving for the better, for both affiliates and our advertisers. When he is not developing our systems, he likes to read fantasy and history.
E-post: christer@adrecord.com

Markus Ekegren

Director of Development

Markus is responsible for the development of our platform and also has a hand in the game in contacts with our advertisers and affiliates. Likes sailing and photography.
Mail: markus@adrecord.com

Isabelle Berglund


Isabelle is in charge of handling customers and making sure that our publishers and affiliates has the best experience. Born and raised in Dalarna, but moved to Örebro due to studies. She has previous worked with marketing and event. She likes horse powers in different forms and also to drink coffee.
Mail: isabelle@adrecord.com

Elin Bergenholtz


Elin`s task is to build relationships between our advertisers and affiliates. She is born and rised in the woods of Småland and has a big passion for horses. She also likes to enjoy a cup of tea in her PJ´s.
Mail: elin@adrecord.com

Carl Kling

Influencer Strategist

Carl has long practiced his ability to communicate. The best thing he knows is to have conversations - especially those which leads towards ideas about possible collaborations. Carl works with our friends at Interlaced Influencers and knows everything about influencers.
Mail: carl@interlaced.in